
Sign Sign

Sign a document with your DNIe or any other qualified certificate with the maximum guarantee of integrity and authenticity.

Sign a document

View Signature View Signature

You will be able to generate reports which it will show information of the signature or signatures associated to the document.

View Signature

Validate Certificate Validate Certificate

If it has of a digital certificate issued by any entity of service of certification recognised, can Check on line his validity.

Validate Certificate

Validate Signature Validate Signature

Consult the validity of a document signed electronically With multiple formats and types of certificates, like electronic bills, agreements, etc.

Validate Signature

Validate Electronic Headquarters Validate Electronic Headquarters

Yo will be able to Check the URLs of electronic headquarters, Verifying the validity of the certificate that contain.

Validate Electronic Headquarters

In fulfillment with the LOPD ORGANIC LAW 15/1999, OF 13 DECEMBER, OF PROTECTION OF. DATA OF PERSONAL CHARACTER and regulations of back development, all the data of personal character associated to the signatures and electronic certificates that they are sent by the users, will be used exclusively with ends of validation and will be deleted of the temporary registers of Validate once realised the operations of corresponding validation. LOPD ORGANIC LAW 15/1999, OF 13 DECEMBER, OF PROTECTION OF. DATA OF PERSONAL CHARACTER and regulations of back development, all the data of personal character associated to the signatures and electronic certificates that they are sent by the users, will be used exclusively with ends of validation and will be deleted of the temporary registers of Validate once realised the operations of corresponding validation.